travel tips

As global warming continues to take its toll, travelers want to be sure that discovering the planet won’t ruin it for future generations. Ecotourism is an exciting new trend, but sustainable lodging and vacation packages can often cost a bomb. Happily though, you don’t need to invest in expensive accommodation and extras to vacation a […]

Few things can slow you down on an overseas vacation like jetlag. A nasty case of fatigue can see you bedridden and wasting your valuable time abroad. Here are a few handy tips that will help you feel bright eyed and bushy tailed throughout your international adventures. Your battle against jet lag begins before you […]

There’s nothing worse than getting sick while you’re on vacation. Instead of seeing the sights, you’ll likely spend time staring at the four walls of your hotel. And it’s difficult to enjoy the local delicacies when you can barely keep a bite down. That unfortunate illness can also eat a sizable hole in your finances, […]

We’re all told to chat to the locals to enjoy an authentic experience on vacation. But how does one meet a local? They’re not in the queue for the popular tourist attractions, or drinking at the kitschy pubs. This article suggests ways you can make contact with the residents of your next holiday hot spot. […]

The daily grind is getting you down, and another weekend at home seems like little respite. You’d take a vacation, but your bank balance won’t stretch to a hotel. And so you begin to consider something you thought you never would: a camping trip. While the thought of inclement weather, too many baked beans, and […]

When you’re traveling on a budget you’ll invariably forgo those Michelin-star meals in favor of street food and cheap takeaways. Many of these inexpensive meals can be unexpected culinary marvels, but if you’re unlucky they could also leave you spending much of your vacation in the bathroom. Read on to discover how best to avoid […]

Gone are the days when paying the hotel tariff entitled us to enjoy all the perks our accommodation offered. Today our rooms are full of traps which can drain the pockets of the uninitiated. Here’s our guide to avoiding those pesky accommodation fees. Look out for parking. The days of complementary hotel parking are all […]

Here at Frugal Money, we don’t believe you need to go into debt for that next big vacation. Instead we celebrate vacationing smarter to ensure your dollar goes further. By following our friendly advice before you leave, and while you’re away, you can enjoy a great getaway for less than you might imagine. Before You […]

With families around the world still smarting from the global financial crisis, the rise of group deals websites has allowed frugal shoppers to still enjoy a few luxuries. Sites like LivingSocial, GroupOn, and Dealster harness the power of collective buying, offering massive savings to consumers and increased sales to businesses. This world of cheap, cheap […]

In this modern high tech world, jetting off without your cell phone can seem like leaving your right arm behind. However travelers often find those pricy roaming costs can bite the budget harder than hotel mini-bars and excess baggage fees. Too many jetsetters return home to find phone bills costing thousands of dollars. By following […]