Official Holidays in Mexico

Mexico recognizes many of the same traditional and religious holidays of the United States, however, there are additional national holidays that Mexico celebrates which could effect banks, tourism, and other forms of daily business. In temporal order these national holidays are listed as follows, with descriptions for those considered less known by most travelers.

January 1, New Years Day

January 6th, Dia de Los Santos Reyes: this is the day Mexicans exchange gifts in accordance to the arrival of the three wise men.

January 17, Feast Day of de San Antonio de Abad: religious day when the Catholic church permits animals to enter the church for ceremonial blessing.

February 2, Día de la Candelaria: this is a religious holiday with dancing, processions, bullfights, and blessings of the seeds and candles.

February 5th, Dia de la Constitucion: this holiday celebrates Mexico’s constitution.

February 23-28, Carnaval: this is a religious festival that celebrates five days of feasting and partying before the observance of lent.

February 24, Flag Day: this holiday honors and recognizes the Mexican flag.

March 19, St. Joseph’s Day: this is a religious holiday.

March 21, The Birthday of Benito Juarez: this is the day to honor the Mexican hero. Semana Santa: this is the holy week that end the period of lent.

May 1, Primero de Mayo: this is the Mexican equivalent of labor day.

May 3, Holy Cross Day-Día de la Santa Cruz: this is the day when construction workers place crosses on unfinished buildings.

May 5, Cinco de Mayo: this is the Mexican celebration marking the victory over the French in 1862.

May 10: Mother’s Day

June 1, Navy Day: this is an official Mexican holiday.

June 24, Saint John the Baptist Day: this is a religious holiday marked by fairs and jokes about getting dunked in water.

June 29, Fiesta of Saint Peter and Saint Paul: This is a religious holiday.

September, annual State of the Union: This is when the president delivers his state of the union address.

September 16, Mexican Independence Day: this is the day Mexico celebrates its independence from Spain.

October 12, Día de la Raza: celebrates the arrival of Columbus to the new world.

November 1 & 2, Día de los Muertos: This is an important holiday honoring Mexico’s dead.

November 20, Mexican Revolution Day: this celebrates the Mexican Revolution of 1910.

December 12, Día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: this day celebrates Mexico’s patron saint with a feast.

December 16, Las Posadas: celebrates Joseph and Mary’s search for shelter and consists of many candlelight processions.

December 25, Navidad.

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