Greek Customs

On arrival in Greece, all travelers must complete a customs declaration form.

Here are some of the items that must be declared: plant materials, foods, and animal products.

Expect that Greek customs officials will inspect all declared items before deciding whether they can be brought into the country. Personal belongings such as cameras, radios, cassette players, musical instruments and so on, may be brought freely into Greece, but only one of each kind per traveler. Duty free goods, such as cigarettes and alcohol, may be imported, but the volume allowed into the country varies – there are limits. Check Greek customs rules.

If you would like to import goods from USA you should contact a private customs office that can undertake this task. There are businesses at big ports such as Piraeus and Thessalonica that deal with the import and export of goods. Most common goods imported in Greece include cars, boats, motorcycles and home appliances.

Pets traveling to Greece

If you wish to have your pet with you, the good news is that you can bring it to Greece. However, a particular procedure is required. There is a European pet travel scheme that demands that your pet traveling to Greece have a Pet Passport. This document can be issued by any licensed veterinarian. Check with the Greek embassy first, to confirm whether this is necessary. If you wish to fly, then contact the airline before you book a seat as your pet may need to travel in the hold.

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