
Most articles about frugal travel focus on finding cheap flights and navigating public transport. But there’s a much cheaper way to get around your next holiday hotspot. It doesn’t take a lot of preparation or planning. In fact, you can do it right now. Just grab a pair of sensible shoes and start walking! Why […]

Saving money on vacation doesn’t mean you have to skimp on the experience. Read on to discover ways you can conserve your finances and enjoy an enriching trip. 1. Spend More Time in Fewer Locations Many travelers want to cram as many locations as they can into their vacation, but this approach isn’t necessarily the […]

Few things can slow you down on an overseas vacation like jetlag. A nasty case of fatigue can see you bedridden and wasting your valuable time abroad. Here are a few handy tips that will help you feel bright eyed and bushy tailed throughout your international adventures. Your battle against jet lag begins before you […]

There’s nothing worse than getting sick while you’re on vacation. Instead of seeing the sights, you’ll likely spend time staring at the four walls of your hotel. And it’s difficult to enjoy the local delicacies when you can barely keep a bite down. That unfortunate illness can also eat a sizable hole in your finances, […]

Backpacking is a great way to see the world without spending a lot of cash. Many backpackers spend plenty of time researching the right hostel and tracking down the cheapest fares, but neglect the very thing that defines their travel style: the backpack. The right one will help you move from place to place quickly […]

Last week we offered our tips for taking a solo vacation. If the freedom and independence of traveling alone didn’t excite you, perhaps setting off with a group of friends would suit you better. If so, read on. This week we’ll look at ways to get the most from traveling with your closest pals without […]

We’d all love to enjoy traveling companions when we set off on our next adventure. But coordinating the schedules and budgets of your nearest and dearest can be trying. Don’t let your pals hold you back from discovering the world. Just read on to learn our tips for traveling solo on a budget! A positive […]

Europe doesn’t have the bad boy reputation of some nations in the Middle East and Asia (read this article to learn how to avoid scammers in Bangkok, Thailand). However, it’s still important for international travelers to keep their wits about them. Failure to heed our money safety tips could be a costly mistake! Violent crime […]

Couchsurfing is a great way to see the world without spending a lot of money. But as with many new traveling trends, the etiquette and expectations can be confusing. In this article we offer our advice for being the kind of couchsurfer that will be welcomed into any home. In case you weren’t up to […]

A honeymoon is the perfect way to unwind after the stress of planning a wedding. But after sinking so much money into the big day, who has the budget to go large? The good news is that you don’t need to. With that special someone by your side and a great idea, even a budget […]