Frugal Monkey’s Web Wrap

in Travel News

It’s Hump Day, so chances are you’re mindlessly surfing the internet looking for anything more interesting than the work you’re supposed to be doing. Never fear, Frugal Monkey’s latest web wrap is here! Read on to discover the travel blogs and articles that are well worth reading!

  • The Wonders of Ravenna @ Velvet Escape – Before we read this article, the tiny Italian town of Ravenna wasn’t even on our radar. After seeing pictures of its stunning mosaics and delicious food, we’re desperate to witness it for ourselves. This article gives a fascinating insight into this largely unknown gem.
  • Adventurous Kate – Adventurous Kate certainly lives up to her name. She’s been shipwrecked in Indonesia, got naked in Instanbul’s baths, and become an extra in a terrible German film. Her focus on affordable accommodation, food, and attractions should appeal to other frugal jetsetters. With her plans to visit Dubai and Japan in coming weeks, we can expect more exciting tales from this full-time traveler.
  • “Who Goes There?” You Asked, I Answered: Five Not-So-Popular Travel Destinations @ Runaway Juno – Are you sick of reading about the same old tourist hotspots? If you answered yes, this post is for you. It offers new travel inspiration in unlikely places like the Spanish city of Figures and New York’s capital, Albany. The “must visit” list is a handy resource if you do decide to take the path less traveled.
  • Vagabondish – Vagabondish is so crammed with useful information that it’s impossible to pick just one post. Articles like “9 Tips to Make Sure Museums and Galleries are Never Boring” and “Surviving the Suburbs: An Unconventional Travel Guide” offer useable information with a sense of humor.
  • Breakfasts in Nepal – Best in the World? @ The Longest Way Home – They might not have the reputation of English fry-ups, but Dave at The Longest Way Home insists the breakfasts in Nepal are amongst the world’s best. Looking at the photos, it’s hard to disagree with him. His post explains where to find great breakfasts, what to order, and how to enjoy it.

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