Work Abroad

Ah, traveling abroad is a lot of fun isn’t it? After a trip most of us think, “What a great trip. If only it had been longer!” Many adventurous recent college grads, college students, and people between jobs find ways to take that much dreamed about extended trip. Even many retirees have found ways to live and work abroad.

Working Abroad

It’s not for everyone, but working abroad provides the experience and memories to last a lifetime for people all over the world. You have to have an adventurous spirit, willingness to take some risks, and the will power to say, “I can do it.” You either take advantage of an opportune time in your life, such as college graduation or retirement, or make an opportunity for yourself. Quit the job you hate or take a leave of absence. Drop out of college for year. You get the idea.

There are many types of travel employment that you can pursue, including:

  • Teach English abroad
  • Work on a cruise ship
  • Get a beach resort job
  • Become a summer camp counselor
  • Sign up to be an international volunteer
  • Hit the slopes at a ski resort overseas

If you are a non-U.S. citizen it’s possible to get work in the United States on a temporary visa. Learn about visas for foreign workers in the U.S. by clicking here. There are several industry sectors in the U.S. that have been forced to recruit abroad for foreign workers to fill thousands of seasonal jobs. For instance, theme park jobs can’t be filled by Americans. The same can be said of summer camp jobs, many of which are filled by Europeans and others from outside the United States.

Jobs Overseas caters to people in pursuit of discount travel, and that audience includes expats and would-be expat travelers desiring a working vacation. The following pages touch on several popular categories of overseas jobs:

Learn about your work abroad options and see if anything catches your eye. Then it’ll be up to you to get a job, pack your bags, and set off on the international adventure you’ve always dreamed about.

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