Avoid Food Poisoning on Vacation – Tips for Safe Eating Abroad

in Tips

When you’re traveling on a budget you’ll invariably forgo those Michelin-star meals in favor of street food and cheap takeaways. Many of these inexpensive meals can be unexpected culinary marvels, but if you’re unlucky they could also leave you spending much of your vacation in the bathroom. Read on to discover how best to avoid food poisoning on the road.

Unsanitary water is one of the biggest causes of food poising abroad. In many parts of Asia, South America, and Africa you can’t simply rely on getting safe drinking water from a tap. Bottled water is a necessary expense for staying hydrated when abroad. Make sure you always check the seals to ensure you’re getting just what you pay for. It’s also smart to consider unexpected ways you could consume local water, such as ice cubes, washed fruits and vegetables, or cutlery and plates. To be on the safe side only accept drinks without ice, eat whole fruits with protective peels, and keep a stack of paper plates in your backpack!

Street food is one of Asia’s great joys, but it can also be a source of food poisoning. It’s much safer to eat freshly cooked meals than anything that’s just been warmed through or served cold. Many of these dishes are prepared earlier in the day, and left to sit for hours. Look for vendors with kitchen and refrigeration facilities in plain sight for extra peace of mind.

Street Food in Vietnam

Street Food in Vietnam

Refrigeration is also a concern in Asia’s mobile ice cream stalls. Many don’t have the best freezers, and eating their desserts can make you ill. Satisfy your sweet tooth with the frozen treats at cafes and supermarkets.

Some Asian nations also have incredible seafood, but unless it’s live you can’t be sure of its freshness. Only indulge if you can choose your crustaceans and fish from a tank.

Of course nothing is certain, but if you follow our tips hopefully you’ll keep your health, and some money in your wallet, on your next vacation.

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