Green Travel Ideas

Looking for some green travel ideas that will get you outdoors, out of the country and into ecotourism? Check out our list of some simple ideas on how to experience green travel.

Eco Tours

Eco Tours are a great way to experience the outdoors and see new things. Eco tours are tours that tend to focus on local flora and fauna.

You can take an eco-tour in your area, (they are popping up everywhere!) or, take an eco-tour while you are on vacation. The extent of eco-tours varies but the general idea is to take a look at the area you are visiting through a ‘green point of view.’ Most trips are lead by local professionals that are educated in the history of the place and the environmental issues of that area. It is a great way to learn about ecotourism on your vacation or even near your home. Check out our page on eco-tours for more details.

Simple Green Travel Ideas

Do you want to get outside and enjoy the environment without making a negative impact? There are lots of ways to get outside and enjoy green travel. Biking is an excellent way to travel while having a negative impact on the environment. Think about all the places near you where you can bike instead of drive. Or, take a bike tour and see the sites on your vacation without impacting the environment. It’s also healthy for you too! Walking and walking tours are another great way to enjoy the outdoors, stay healthy and not make a negative environmental impact. There are usually walking tours and great walks nearly everywhere you visit.

Hiking too is great exercise. If you decide to go hiking, stay on the paths that have been developed. Going off trail might seem like fun, but you are negatively impacting specific areas that were meant to be untouched. Enjoy the view from the designated trail and save the fun you are having for generations to come.

Visit a national park! Another way to contribute to environmentalism and green travel is to visit national parks. Although many charge admission, this money goes to maintenance for the park and toward many other eco-friendly causes in the area. Visiting a national park, such as Denali National Park in Alaska, is also a great way to learn about the environmental issues and green travel in that area. Visitor centers and tours within the park are a great way to learn more and to contribute back.


Green travel is becoming so popular, that you can take entire vacations revolving around green travel. Look for vacation deals and packages that take you to eco-friendly destinations all around the world. It is a great way to experience a remote or exotic location while doing your part to contribute to green travel. Check out our section on the world’s top eco-destinations for travelers.

Be Smart

Doing a little bit of research goes a long way if you are trying to travel green.

Take a closer look at the leaders in the travel industry who are making a change and commitment toward green travel for their clients. By choosing hotels and tour operators that support green travel you are doing a large part in helping ecotourism.

Also, whether it be a family vacation to the beach, a camping trip with friends or a full vacation dedicated to ecotourism and green travel, do your part whenever you enter nature and think about the impact you are making there. Pick up your trash and be as eco-friendly as possible whenever you can.

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