Frugal Monkey’s Web Wrap

in Travel News

Are you sick of staring out the window and seeing the same old thing? Maybe it’s time that you planned a getaway! The world is your oyster, but frugal travelers know they can’t see everything at once. These travel blogs and recent online articles should help you settle on your next dream destination.

  • Unique Places to Drink in Milwaukee @ Art of Adventuring – Michael Tieso showcases the best watering holes in Wisconsin’s largest city in this informative post. He also reminds us that drinking in Milwaukee is pretty inexpensive, so even frugal travelers can afford to indulge in a few bar brewskies while they’re visiting.
  • My Beautiful Adventures – Chinese medicine and travel photojournalism are a curious mix, but Andi Perullo de Ledesma seems to make them work on her blog. Her photos are top notch, especially the snaps she recently posted from her trip to Miami. But it’s her personal touch, whether she’s sharing stories about her other career or answering reader questions, that sets Andi’s blog apart.
  • Poolside in Provence: Relaxing at the Gorgeous Infinity Pool at Terre Blanche @ Travelogged – Reading through this blog post has made us so envious. We’d be thrilled to just visit this stunning pool overlooking Provence as Liz Borod Wright did, let alone score a free stay at the five-star Terre Blanche resort! We’re sure drooling over the photos rates a very distant second to swimming in this picturesque pool.
  • Travel Cuts – The Travel Cuts blog might be targeted at student travelers making the most of their gap years, but there’s plenty of articles here to interest frugal travelers of any age. The blog is an offshoot of the Travel Cuts business, which looks to get young Canadians out seeing the world without breaking the bank. It offers details of exciting events and youth-focused attractions, as well as general travel tips for anyone on a budget.
  • Visiting Australia as Single Travelers @ Australia Rocky TravelA solo trip to Australia can sound daunting, but the team from Australia Rocky Travel insists you don’t need to wait until you’re coupled up to discover Down Under. This post encourages singles to step outside their comfort zone and stay in Australia without breaking the bank or letting loneliness set in.

Australia globeIf you know a friend or loved one that’s feeling stir-crazy too, why not share this article with them? We make it easy with our convenient social networking buttons!

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