Argentina Vacations

Properly preparing for travel is essential to every trip and a trip to South America is no different. Here is what you need to know before arriving.


Americans and Europeans need to have a valid passport before entering Argentina, which means for most people, not waiting until the last minute. Be sure to apply for your passport in advance.

Argentina Visas

You don’t need a visa to enter Argentina because upon entry you’re granted 90 days as a tourist. If you need to stay longer, 100 pesos at the Immigration office will buy you a 90day extension. Leaving the country also renews your visa and many tourists take the ferry to Uruguay in order to extend their stay legally.


There are no necessary vaccinations required by Argentina before entering. Being current on vaccinations by US or European standards is the best way to be protected when traveling. Some people choose to receive a yellow fever vaccination before traveling to South America because the area is of higher risk, although travel without it is completely safe.

Argentine Pesos

It may be a good idea to exchange some money before traveling in order to deal with cabs and buses upon arrival. Be sure to specify with the bank that you require Argentine pesos and to leave plenty of time for exchange before leaving. Some banks will need to order the money you require and will not have it readily on hand. The best way to deal with money while traveling in Argentina is through the ATMs. Exchanging your money directly is less favorable because the exchange offices charge a fee, where as the ATM will not. It is a good idea to inform your bank that you will be using your card abroad to avoid problems once you are there.


Argentina is fairly safe, but does have some petty crime as well. Being mindful of your actions and possessions is the best way to avoid problems. Traveling alone is safe in general and while most women are not accustomed to the whistles and comments made by men passing by, it is simply a cultural difference and doesn’t merit much worry. The typical precautions taken at night in your home country should be applied in Argentina.


Communication with home is fairly easy. Locutorios (internet cafes) are in abundance and the rates are cheap. Phone calls to the states and Europe can be made from here and phone cards can be purchased and used from hostels and hotels.


There are a large number of embassies within Argentina. Registering with your embassy if you plan to stay long within Argentina is good way to ensure you can be contacted in the event of an emergency or if you have an emergency of your own.

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