Iguazu Falls

The waterfalls at Iguazu are an attraction in Argentina that few travelers miss. It has been raved as the eighth wonder of the world and few who have seen Iguazu’s gorgeous scenery would disagree.

The falls split the border of Argentina and Brazil into an upper and lower portion residing in both the Brazilian state of Parana and the Argentine city of Puerto Iguazu.

The legend of Iguazu is that a god who was destined to marry a beautiful aborigine became angry when she ran off with another lover. In his anger he spliced the river creating the waterfalls of which condemned the runaway lovers to fall eternally. A more solidified version of the history dedicates the discovery of the falls to Conquistador Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca who discovered the falls on the Argentine side as well as to Boselli, both of whom have falls named after them.

Two hundred and seventy five different falls run over 2.7 kilometers where viewers on both the Argentine and Brazilian side can enjoy the beautiful scenery. On the Argentine side, visitors enter through Iguazu National Park and can take boat rides beneath the falls or hike along the bottom and top of the water fall ranges. From the Brazilian side, the panoramic view of the waterfalls are some of the most beautiful in the world, but the access is much more limited. The rivers convene into what is known as The Devil’s Throat (Garganta del Diablo) in one of the largest waterfall displays in the world. From the Argentine side, you are surrounded 260 degrees by water and can see Brazil just over the mouth of the waterfall.

The National Park feels like a rainforest and there are so many butterflies its hard to convince yourself you aren’t actually in paradise.

There are an impressive number of plant species and natural wildlife in the park and during the week of a full moon, there are night tours of the park and falls.

Another charming visit is to tres fronteras or three frontiers where panoramic views of Brazil and Paraguay are visible as you stand on the soil of Argentina.

The town itself is quite small, but charming. Most travelers visit to see the falls and then go on into Brazil or head back traveling south into Argentina. Because of its large tourist draw, there are many accommodations in Iguazu, including hotels and hostels. Iguazu does have an airport connecting flights to most of Argentina’s larger cities and a popular bus terminal, where overnight buses commute eager visitors.

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