History of Mexico

In the decades following initial independence Mexico was led by many presidents and governments and lost much of its northern territory in The Mexican-American war of 1846-1848. Benito Juarez initiated a series of reforms yet the French invasion of 1861 hindered his power as an Austrian took over the reigns as emperor, until Juarez’s supporters overthrew and assassinated Maximilian, at which point Juarez became Mexican president in 1867.

The next fifty years were a tumultuous and bloody time as Mexico struggled to define itself and mature as a fledgling independence.

Mexico eventually found its way and improved relations with the United States. Economic growth and vitality in the region is an ongoing process and Mexico now looks toward tourism as a way to provide wealth to a nation that wishes to provide its citizens with the opportunities to survive and remain employed within their own country.

Mexico Transportation

Getting around in Mexico depends largely on exactly what region you are in and where you plan to visit. There are various methods of transportation that are available for tourists. Flights within Mexico are very cheap in comparison to ticket prices for international destinations. For instance, it is not uncommon to travel anywhere within Mexico by plane for less than one hundred dollars. The two cheap airlines are Volaris and Avolar. Both have websites where you can purchase tickets.

Rental cars are the best way to get around within the cities and towns of Mexico, especially resort destinations where you want to be able to travel efficiently.

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