Buenos Aires Gateways

Buenos Aires is a city full of hustle and bustle and while many people expect ‘The Paris of the South’ they are still in need of a hiatus from the city.

For this reason it is often common for people to retire to the outskirts of Buenos Aires for lazy afternoons or tranquil weekends.

One of the most popular weekend getaways is to an estancia or ranch. Buenos Aires is famous for these luxury ranches, where most offer swimming, golf, horse riding and other outdoor activities. They shouldn’t be mistaken for rustic, while some cater to an adventurous crowd most are very nice and the accommodations luxurious. There are many close to Buenos Aires but finding an estancia located in Argentina’s other regions is easy and a great way to experience the country.

There are many other ways to enjoy your stay away from the city. Visiting Tigre on the Rio del Parana is a common trip for Argentines on a relaxed weekend. Tigre’s charm is rooted in the many water channels that meander throughout the delta and chartered boats offer tours where stilt houses can only be visited by boat. Tigre itself is charming and walking through the city or visiting its amusement park are all common ways to enjoy your time outside of Buenos Aires.

Because of Buenos Aires’ proximity to Uruguay, it is common for Argentines and visiting foreigners to head to Uruguay’s many beaches and small towns. Punte del Este is a beach town located close to Buenos Aires on Uruguay’s coastline. Crawling with Argentines during the summer months, if you choose to visit Punte del Este during this time of year, make reservations ahead of time and be ready for a party; besides the gorgeous beaches, this is Punte del Estes other famous trademark. For a more relaxed trip to Uruguay, visit Colonia.

Ferries to and from Buenos Aires make this trip frequently and a full trip to Colonia can be done in a day. Colonia is just that, colonial in style and its charming architecture and friendly inhabitants are an excellent day trip away from the city. It is popular among young travelers to rent mopeds or motorcycles and zoom around the outskirts of this charming city. Montevideo is another popular getaway from Buenos Aires. Much bigger than Colonia and less of a party than Punte del Este, Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay and enjoying beachside walks or a lazy afternoon in the cinema is a wonderful way to take in the afternoon.

Rosario, Argentina >>>