Stay Healthy on your Next Vacation

in Tips, Travel Advice

There’s nothing worse than getting sick while you’re on vacation. Instead of seeing the sights, you’ll likely spend time staring at the four walls of your hotel. And it’s difficult to enjoy the local delicacies when you can barely keep a bite down. That unfortunate illness can also eat a sizable hole in your finances, especially if you forgot to neglected to buy travel insurance! While a hospital stay can cost you an arm and a leg, even seeing a doctor and purchasing simple medications can be pricy. There’s no fool proof way to stay well, but following our tips will help you minimize the risks.

Your healthy holiday practices should start the moment you leave home. Stock up on nutritious snacks so you won’t be tempted to gorge on all the wrong things. Fresh fruit, nuts, jerky, and wholegrain snack bars are all ideal options. Just remember to finish the fruit before you enter another country or state, as you may not be able to take the treats across the border. Make sure you also pack a few bottles of water. Flying is particularly dehydrating, but driving long distances isn’t much better on your system! If you’re flying, make sure you get plenty of rest to avoid jetlag at your destination. If you’re driving, take regular breaks to ensure fatigue doesn’t set in.

Once you touch down it’s time to slip on your walking shoes and explore your surrounds. It’s not just a great way to become familiar with your destination; it’s also a sneaky way to enjoy some exercise. Wearing the right shoes will allow you to walk further and ensure you don’t damage your feet. They need to be in tip-top condition for more sightseeing after all! We suggest taking the business card for your accommodation with you on your journey; if you wander too far or get lost you can simply hail a cab for the return leg.

While you’re out and about, it’s time to replenish your snack stock. Keeping some nutritious goodies on hand at all times will keep your energy levels up while you’re out and about. It’s also much easier on your wallet to buy snacks from a store in bulk than impulse high-calorie items on the go. Remember to buy some bottled water too, as water from the faucet may be unsanitary in some locations.

Friendly locals and hotel staff can point you in the right direction of your destination’s dining delights. Eating in these recommended establishments will minimize the risks of food poisoning and upset tummies.

If you’re a gym junkie, it’s smart to stay somewhere with one on site. It might mean you’ll need to splurge on a hotel rather than a hostel, but this can be cheaper than paying for short-term gym membership. If you can’t afford the extra, remember to utilize your natural surrounds. Swim in the ocean, hire a bike and cycle the city’s streets, or hike its mountains. Just make sure you follow our hiking safety tips if you plan on hitting the trails! Maintaining your regular workout regime is the best way to ward off disease.

Girl jogging near Bondi BeachThat doesn’t mean you should overdo it though. While staying healthy is important, so is enjoying your vacation. Allow yourself some time to unwind, and make sure you indulge in a few rich desserts. That balance is the key to enjoying a healthy and happy vacation.

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