Top Traveling Tips – Money Saving Advice for Vacation & Travel Plans

in Trip Planning

Here at Frugal Money, we don’t believe you need to go into debt for that next big vacation. Instead we celebrate vacationing smarter to ensure your dollar goes further. By following our friendly advice before you leave, and while you’re away, you can enjoy a great getaway for less than you might imagine.

Before You Go
Think currency. If your aim is simply to take some time out, it’s smart to travel to places where your dollar is worth more. People from affluent nations often find they can live like kings in small Asian and African countries.

Investigate flight options. Sometimes the most logical route isn’t always the cheapest. Return trips can be more affordable than single ones, so it might be worth considering buying one of these tickets even if you don’t plan on coming home. Adding a layover can also help you save serious coin if you don’t mind the extra flying time. Also check the prices for dates surrounding your intended arrival and departure times. Flights are generally cheapest in the middle of the week, while you’ll pay a premium for weekend and holiday trips.

Remember buses and trains. Depending on where you’re traveling to, flying may not be your only option. Buses and trains take longer to reach their destination, but they’re also often significantly cheaper. It’s worth weighing up those savings before you commit to transport.

Travel light. By carefully considering what you really need you can save on those nasty luggage fees, or even avoid them entirely!

While You’re There
Stay outside the city.
Accommodation in the heart of any vacation hotspot will typically cost more than digs on the outskirts. You might need to spend more on public transport, but you’re still likely to be ahead.

Consider hostels. Hostels have a reputation for being strictly for smelly students and hippies, but these days they’re a great option for all kinds of frugal travelers. You get what you pay for, but if you’re spending most of your time sightseeing you’ll likely need little more than a bed when the day is done!

Ask for discounts. If you’re old or young, unemployed or a war veteran, you may be eligible for discounted accommodation, meals, and attractions. It can be embarrassing to ask for the savings, but that shame is lessened when you’ve got a few extra bucks in your pocket.

Cut coupons. Hotel brochures, group deal websites, and the individual business sites often offer savings on tourist attractions, car rentals, meals, and more.

Pack your walking shoes. Walking isn’t just a great way to exercise. It’s also the only way to get around that won’t cost you a cent. And remember that old saying about the journey being more important than the destination? Often walkers discover fascinating parts of the world en route to other places.

Catch public transport. Taxis might be the easiest way to get around a strange city, but they’re never the cheapest. With a little practice the local buses and trains can get you to those must-see attractions with some extra coin in your pocket.

Enjoy lunch. Dinner is often regarded as the main meal of the day, but this isn’t the best option for travelers. Many restaurants and cafes offer a much more affordable lunch menu, so this is the best time to indulge. If you eat heartily you may not feel like eating much at all once the evening rolls around!

piggy bank worldDon’t forget the grocery store. Many travelers feel eating out is their only option, but with accommodation from hostels to resorts offering kitchen services that’s simply not so. At the supermarket you can grab all you need to whip up a gourmet meal on a budget, or even some cheap snacks for those long journeys ahead.

Skimp on souvenirs. Everyone wants to take home a memento of their vacation, but think before you spend money. So often the goods are overpriced and more than a bit tacky. Rather than taking home a swag of stuff consider your purchases carefully, and only indulge if you can’t buy the same item at home.

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