Mexico Tourism

In 1974, with the intention of making money off the country’s extraordinary natural beauty, the Mexican government took the incentive toward implementing the infrastructure to transform the nation into one of the most alluring tourism destinations in the world. Looking back thirty-three years later, it’s evident that they certainly succeeded in this endeavor.

The company responsible, Mexico’s National Trust Fund for Tourism Development, or Fonatur for short, has shaped the creation of the nation’s foremost locations for tourism, including Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, Loreto, Ixtapa, and Huatulco.

Today, many of these original Mexico tourist spots have become hot destinations for visitors, and others have also emerged to the top. Cancun and Cabo San Lucas are two peninsula party towns that have emerged as leading tourist locations. The both have created the amenities to make Mexican tourism an amazing cash cow for the nation’s government and towns.

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