Inexpensive Travel Deals

There are a number of ways to track down the best travel deal for your vacation and FrugalMonkey is here to show you how. In this section we outline a variety of ways to find cheap travel deals and discounts. By covering a number of different travel auction sites and reviewing different tactics for finding travel deals, you will be armed with the best tools in the industry for uncovering discounts. In the following section you will find valuable information including:

  • An overview on the different types of discounts and the best travel deals available
  • Online travel auction sites
  • Where to find last minute travel deals
  • Traveling as an air courier
  • Access to helpful links hand picked by our travel staff

One of the worst things that can happen to a traveler is over paying when a good discount or deal is available for that same trip. By arming yourself with FrugalMonkey’s tried and true tactics, you will find the travel industry’s best:

  • Airfares
  • Car rental prices
  • Hotel discounts
  • Travel package deals

The information we provide doesn’t stop at airline travel deals and car rental discounts, but includes hot travel tips for finding cruise deals and vacation packages as well. Check out the other pages in this section to learn about tracking down the best travel deals for your vacation and stop over paying for airline tickets and hotels. Right now is an excellent time to take advantage of travel deals to some of our favorite spots like the Hawaiian Islands and Mexico – two locations covered in our travel profiles. Learn about the large number of websites offering deals to last minute travelers or how to book a luxury vacation on a budget. By utilizing discounts and applying them to some of our favorite countries and locations, you are only a few steps away from booking an affordable and enjoyable vacation. While FrugalMonkey provides information on travel to Alaska, Argentina, Australia, Greece, South Africa and more, we also provide you with universal travel hunting tips that will earn you savings regardless of your location.

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