Costa Rica Green Travel Resources

Find out where to travel when you go to Costa Rica. The following are some excellent vacation destinations for eco-travelers.

Tortuguero National Park

Tortuguero National Park is one of Costa Rica’s premier travel destinations for ecotourists.

Located near Limon on the Caribbean side of the country, green travelers flock to this protected national park to see the park’s main attraction – the sea turtles. Although tours to see the turtles vary during the time of year when sea turtle viewing is most likely, more than a few lucky travelers witness egg hatchings and turtles laying eggs on the sandy shores. This park can only be accessed by plane or small boat and the park has very few hiking trails. Any park arrangements should be made ahead of time, especially for night tours. Due to environmental protection laws only a certain number of visitors are allowed on the beaches at night to see the sea turtles. However, the fresh water creeks or canals offer visitors the opportunity to see Costa Rican wildlife like manatees and rare birds flying overhead. Fishing too attracts many visitors to the park. You cannot camp in Tortuguero National Park, but there are several environmentally friendly lodges that help arrange tours and are a great way to fulfill your Costa Rica ecotourism experience.

Corcavado National Park

Among Costa Rica’s other famous parks and protected areas is Corcavado National Park. Previously named by National Geographic as the most biologically intense place on earth’, Corcovado doesn’t disappoint with tropical rainforest wildlife and local flora. Because of the park’s sheer size and the large number of endangered species living in the park, the terrain is protected. This means you can travel the park safely (as long as you follow the rules) without endangering the wildlife to see squirrel monkeys, macaws, habitats for the giant anteater and other incredible displays of nature. Located on the Peninsula de Osa this is an amazing visit for ecotourists, environmentalists and nature lovers.

Others Costa Rica Hot Spots

Other incredible eco-destinations in Costa Rica include: the La Paz Waterfalls, Sarapiqui River, Arenal Volcano, Poas Volcano, Puerto Viejo de Talamanca and Parque Nacional Carara. There is truly no shortage of adventure in wildlife while vacationing in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica Ecotourism Resources

The following are helpful resources when planning your eco-vacation to Costa Rica.

Costa Rica Tours

Greenway Nature Tours – Has information for family vacations, volunteering and Student Travel.
Costa Rican Adventures
Bird Watching in Costa Rica
Costa Rica Nature Vacations


Corcavado House – Tours available
Guanacaste Ecolodge – Tours available
La Leona Ecolodge – Tours available
Responsible Travel – Costa Rica
Costa Rica Ecolodges Tortuguero National Park Hotel Ilan Ilan – Tours available
Torguguero National Park Hotel Manatus – Tours available

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