budget travel

With its Broadway shows and high-end department stores, a vacation in New York City can be a drain on your finances. But you needn’t spend a fortune to enjoy your time in the Big Apple. In this article we look at frugal entertainment options in The City That Never Sleeps. Everyone wants to see the […]

Saving money on vacation doesn’t mean you have to skimp on the experience. Read on to discover ways you can conserve your finances and enjoy an enriching trip. 1. Spend More Time in Fewer Locations Many travelers want to cram as many locations as they can into their vacation, but this approach isn’t necessarily the […]

We were all dreaming of a white Christmas, but now the holiday is over the chill of winter is beginning to grate. So why are you putting up with it? A vacation in Greece is a great way to escape the cold, and with plenty of free attractions it won’t cost as much as you […]

When we think of France we immediately imagine sipping expensive glasses of champagnes, dining in Michelin-star restaurants, and shopping for high end couture. But a journey to this European hot spot doesn’t need to clean out your bank account. We recently wrote about affordable Parisian experiences for couples in love, but with this article we’ll […]

With Europe’s finances in tatters, tourists around the globe are enjoying rock bottom airfares. However once you set foot on the continent you may be in for a rude shock, as many European cities are still as expensive to experience as they ever were. But you needn’t strike the continent from your vacation wish list […]

Taking that fishing trip to Alaska or tour of the Greek Islands sound like wonderful ways to spend a few weeks, but if your wallet is bare you may need to curb your aspirations. If you’re desperate for a holiday but you don’t have the finances to fund it, a staycation may be the solution. […]

No continent screams luxury travel like Europe does. While it’s certainly possible to spend a small fortune on a lavish European getaway, frugal travelers needn’t abandon their dreams of a historical tour of Athens or a lazy beach holiday on the French Riviera. With a few clever choices and our insider advice you can have […]

New Zealand is a natural paradise, with its unspoiled landscapes and adrenalin sports that take advantage of the great outdoors. However it’s on the opposite side of the world to most keen travelers, and the flights can get expensive. You can save yourself some cash by avoiding the peak times and traveling over winter. It […]

Here are some suggestions of books and magazines that will guide you along your journey as a frugal traveler. All of these titles are available on Amazon.com.

As with most of the world’s capital cities, it’s very easy to spend money in Beijing. But travelers should resist the urge to be too frugal in the Chinese capital. See also: China on a Budget. A little extravagance can be the best way to enjoy your Beijing vacation, and stay safe. Food and drink […]