Free Attractions in Greece – See Mediterranean on a Shoestring

in Greece, Trip Locations

We were all dreaming of a white Christmas, but now the holiday is over the chill of winter is beginning to grate. So why are you putting up with it? A vacation in Greece is a great way to escape the cold, and with plenty of free attractions it won’t cost as much as you think.

Admittedly Greece does have a little ice and snow during winter, especially near the mountains. But the country’s Mediterranean climate ensures you’ll enjoy a mild heat along the coast. Rainfall is also minimal, so you’ll have plenty of opportunity to soak up some sunshine and see all the country has to offer.

Fine weather is ideal for exploring the Monastiraki Flea Market, which runs every Sunday. The city’s flea market is famous for its curious mix of fresh produce, jewelry, and handicrafts. It’s the perfect place for finding presents for loved ones and souvenirs to remember your stay. Just remember that while it’s free to browse, those purchases can add up! Visit before 11 am in the morning to avoid the swarming crowds.

Leaving the markets so early will also give you time to see the changing of the guard ceremony at the Greek Parliament building in Syntagma Square. At 11 am sharp every Sunday you’ll see the Evzone guards come from their camp at Irodou Attikou Street and take their place at the building. There they’ll stand motionless as they protect their president.

While you’re enjoying some culture it’s worth taking in some of Greece’s free museums. Athens has some of the best, including The War Museum and the quirky Popular Musical Instruments Museum.

It wouldn’t be a trip to Greece without visiting its historical sites, but admission fees to these key attractions can add up. However popular sites like The Acropolis, The Roman Agora, Kerameikos, and Olympeion offer free admission on special days. Visit on March 6, April 18, May 18, June 5, Sundays between November and March, and Greek national holidays to see the sights for nix.

While you’re at the Acropolis don’t forget to check out Plaka, the oldest region in Athens. Cars aren’t allowed to drive down its streets so they’re perfect for strolling. It’s also refreshing to dine at an al fresco café without hearing the rumble of engines!

If a lazy stroll doesn’t sound challenging enough then consider hiking to the top of Lycabettus Hill. It can be tough going, particularly when the sun is at its hottest, so it’s a trip best made early in the morning or as night falls. The 360-degree view of Athens below makes the challenging walk feel worthwhile. Just remember to take your camera with you for some snaps of the vista!

Greece has several beautiful beaches, but unlike many countries some are private and charge an admission fee. However if you know where to go you can still enjoy your sun, sand, and surf for nothing. Vouliagmeni and Kavouri, both located on the Attica coastline half an hour’s drive from Athens, are some of Greece’s best. Make sure you stay until dusk to watch the sun setting over the sparkling Aegean Sea.

piggy bank worldGreece loves a party, but a night on the town can drain your finances, especially if you’re indulging in cocktails. For a quieter alternative consider spending an evening at Mars Hill, or Areopagus as the Greeks call it. Religious tourists make a pilgrimage here to see the spot St. Paul the Apostle preached. In later years it was the site of meetings by The Council of Nobles and the Judicial Court. Today it’s a great spot for admiring the lights of the Parthenon as you share a bottle of wine al fresco.

So why spend a lot of money in Greece? These free attractions should keep you busy on your Mediterranean vacation!

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