Living Rent Free While You Travel

in Trip Planning

It might sound too good to be true, but it isn’t. Or rather, it isn’t too good to be true if you simply know where to look.

The cost of living is one of the largest factors sending people home while they are living or working abroad. The cost of rent, maintaining a tight travel budget and finding cheap flights all contribute to the expense of traveling. So for people who live or work abroad being able to maintain that status is second to none.

There are more than a few ways to procure yourself a situation that allows you to live rent-free while you travel or live abroad if you just know where to look. One of the more traditional methods is by working for a business or company that will cover the cost of living as a part of your job, while you travel. Jobs such as working on a cruise ship, working at a resort or even working for an Alaskan fishing company are all probable ways to earn money, experience travel and live rent-free.

This small handful of industry jobs represents opportunities where it is common for companies to pay a portion or all of their employee’s living expenses. Naturally the degree of how much and in what capacity varies from job to job and company to company, but it is very common for travel jobs such as these to provide employees with free-rent in exchange for work. What makes these jobs even better is that while employers cover a portion of living expenses, these jobs also allow you to make money as well. This means that for travelers that the savings potential is huge because of the money employees can save in not having to pay rent (one of the largest living costs by far!).

It simply comes down to a trifecta of needs that are met by finding jobs on cruises, at resorts and other travel related industry jobs: the desire to travel, no rent and the ability to make money!

For backpackers who are looking to travel and cannot commit to a full-time job for months at a time, or anyone who wants to see the world and avoid footing the bill, there are several less traditional methods of living rent-free while living or working abroad. One of these newer trends is in the Couch Surfing phenomenon that is sweeping the backpacking crowd and making huge waves among budget travelers. Couch Surfing is an online social network of travelers and travel lovers that organizes a database of people who are looking for a place to crash with those that have room to offer. All over the world, through this social network of travelers people are finding friends, advice and places to stay at no cost. The site is mainly geared toward backpackers and world travelers who are trying to save a penny while seeing the world. Yet, the network is expanding readily into large cities where when people can’t offer a couch or place to stay, they instead will offer job advice and insider tips for their city to fellow traveler.

Whether it be through more traditional means, or by finding an open couch in Moscow, there are ways to travel and live abroad without paying any rent.

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