Vacation on a Shoestring – Save Money & Travel on a Budget

in Trip Planning

With a big wide world full of glamorous destinations, it’s very easy for our travel ambitions to become much bigger than our bank balance. But you don’t need to spend a fortune to see what the globe has to offer. By following our simple advice, you can take a vacation for next to nothing.

The cost of accommodation can be one of the biggest holiday drains. We’d all love to stay in five-star luxury, but if you’re planning a holiday on the cheap you’ll have to quash that dream. Instead consider spending a night under the stars in a local campsite, or living simply in a hostel. Depending on your destination though, even these down-market digs can be a bit expensive. Do your research and plan ahead well before you set off. If your budget is looking stretched you’ll have time to organize free accommodation. Sleeping on the couch of a friendly European or house sitting in the United States is a great way to save cash and experience life as the locals do. Just remember to be a good house guest while you’re staying in someone else’s castle, especially if you hope to receive an invitation to return!

Once your accommodation’s sorted you’ll need to eat. Here you’ve got two basic choices: eat out or raid a local supermarket and stay in. The latter seems an obvious option for cheapskates, but it’s always nice to spend some time away from the stove. If you’re only eating out once a day, make sure that it’s lunch. The midday meal is often much cheaper than the evening one, and it’ll give you enough energy for sightseeing. Look for eateries with daily set menus which offer a starter, main, and dessert for a reduced price. After three hearty courses, you might still feel full at dinner time!

No one wants to spend their vacation staring at their accommodation’s walls, so you’ll need to organize a way to get around. Public transport is the obvious solution for frugal travelers, but it’s not the only one. If you make friends with the locals, you can often bum a ride to somewhere interesting. If you haven’t made any connections, the notice boards of hostels are a great place to start. You’ll often find available spaces in cars that will only cost you a portion of the petrol money.

New Zealand money and calculatorSo once you’ve arrived at your dream destination, what are you going to see? Whatever it is, if you’re traveling on a tight budget it’ll probably be free. Thankfully most cities offer a wealth of free attractions, from national parks and gardens to museums and art galleries. Some sights are free only on particular days though, so do your research and plan a money-saving itinerary before you set off.

So why are you still daydreaming about that vacation? By following our advice you can see any destination your heart desires without maxing out your credit card.

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