Backpacker’s Guide to Vietnam – Budget Traveling Around Asia

in Vietnam

Backpackers hoping to enjoy the real Asia without the frills should definitely consider a trip to Vietnam.

The country’s tourism industry is relatively new, so it offers visitors a more authentic experience than many Asian nations.

These are also not publicized as well as they might be in other countries, so a Vietnam guidebook is a good investment for making the most of your stay.

Vietnam is a very affordable destination, with one American dollar equaling approximately 18, 475 Vietnamese Dong (VND). It’s easy to find meals for around 15, 000 VND, so travelers can easily eat on in Vietnam for a week for less than $20 US. The biggest temptation for travelers is shopping. While there are bargains to be had, it’s easy for them add up once you get started!

Vietnam has accommodation to suit all budgets, from luxury resorts to hostels. These hostels offer the best value for backpackers who don’t mind forgoing some creature comforts. Hostel Vietnam is a useful website for backpackers researching hostels near their chosen destinations.

Another affordable alternative is Hill Tribe living. This authentic Vietnamese experience takes travelers to remote communities to live with the locals. The basic accommodation makes the hostels look luxurious, but tours with companies like Handspan Adventure Travel offer backpackers an unparalleled cultural experience.

Vietnamese people are very friendly to tourists and happy to speak English if they can.

However, it’s worth learning a few basic phrases, especially if you’re planning to visit the villages. In these rural communities many people do not speak English, so some simple sentences are helpful for communicating. This website has an excellent and comprehensive guide detailing basic phrases and more specific words for food and drink, getting around, and other relevant areas.

The cities should not be avoided though as they do offer plenty for tourists looking to meet other travelers. Nightclubs and cafes are ideal for meeting other people, as are internet cafes. To learn more about the best places to go, consult the staff in your hotel or hostel.

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