Affordable Travel Advice

in Travel Jobs

Check out this week’s affordable travel advice by FrugalMonkey!

As summer approaches and school ends, what is largely considered the best time of the year to travel is upon us.

So how you can you make your travel dreams come true without overspending on your travel budget? FrugalMonkey is here to share with you some tips and suggestions that will make your travel plans come to life!

Are you a college student? Or do you work seasonally and find yourself faced with a summer off and nothing to do? Consider the many travel options at your fingertips that can either save you money or earn you money while you enjoy your summer vacation.

First, consider working abroad or volunteering. If you have a long summer FrugalMonkey has amazing resources to help you plan your vacation. By working abroad you can teach English and make money instead of spending it all on your South American vacation. Or, think about volunteering and earn some excellent experience for your resume while enjoying cheap and educational benefits of travel.

If you don’t have the time or aren’t interested in a summer spent too far over seas then think about working on a cruise ship or working at a resort over the summer. The tourism industry booms over the summer making it a great time to procure summer work in a place you’d normally visit for a vacation. Can you think of anything better?

Cruise jobs and resort jobs involve some preparation, but it’s all worth it when you’re working as a lifeguard on a white sand beach or bartending for a cruise ship casino. Check out FrugalMonkey for more information on jobs of this sort.

Now, if you simply want to travel think about looking at travel auction sites for cheap airfares this summer. Right now flights are the lowest they’ve been in years, even flights to Europe or Hawaii. Check out flight deals and book a great summer vacation now!

For more information on budget travel and great summer vacation ideas (Alaska, Australia, South Africa, Greece, Hawaii and more!) check out FrugalMonkey’s country profiles and extended sections on cheap travel.

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