Make The Most of Your European Vacation

in Travel Deals

Get the most out of your European Vacation by utilizing these FrugalMonkey Travel Tips.

With budget travel being so reasonable, people are finding deal after deal that will allow them to fly overseas and enjoy a European vacation. In addition to this, travelers are enjoying better exchange rates against the dollar then there has been in recent years, adding to the affordability of European travel.

FrugalMonkey wants to offer these tips to European travelers to assist you in saving on airfare and overall vacation costs during your trip.

Travel To Europe During the Off Season
– By traveling on the cusp of high season travel to Europe, you can save hundreds on hotels and flight prices. High season for sunny locations tends to be in the summer and areas of Europe that are known as winter wonderlands will be more expensive during the winter months. If you can book your flight and hotel during the off-season hotels, flights and activity prices will be cheaper. If you still want to enjoy high season perks, try traveling on the cusp of off-season dates. In doing so you can often find amazing travel deals and off-season prices while still experiencing some of the better weather during your European vacation. By picking the right date, you will save on travel costs. Think off-season!

Utilizing Travel Auction Sites – Sure you know all about Travelocity, Kayak and Orbitz but think globally and try booking flights with some of the European travel auction outfitters. For example, provides extraordinarily cheap airline prices in and around Europe in addition to providing rental car deals, hotel packages and vacation discounts. USA Today recently published an article about a traveler who was able to fly from Rome to Paris cheaper then taking a similar train route by simply taking advantage of European travel auction sites. In order to take advantage of the savings check out,, Brussels Air, Easy Jet, Sky Europe, Easy Jet and provides flight discounts into Asia and check out Air Baltic for excellent deals into Eastern Europe. Travelocity is also widely used throughout Europe and can be a great way to book your initial flight overseas and then subsequent flights throughout the continent once you are there. Travel auction sites continue to be a great way to find discounts.

Get Outside The Tourist Trap
– The most expensive way to travel is by following every sight and sound listed in the guidebooks.

Touristy locations are likely to have the most expensive prices and be the activities that will cost you the most on your vacation. Look around or ask a friend who has traveled previously some of the less touristy places to visit in the European city you are visiting. Cheaper food and cheaper stay could save you a lot of money over the course of a longer vacation.

Plan Ahead
– By planning ahead, booking flights ahead of time, booking hotels and hostels ahead of time you will ultimately save money due to avoiding last minute expenses. It will also give you the luxury of shopping around to find the best rental car discounts, the cheapest hotel stays and the best flight schedules. Thinking ahead, and booking your vacation early will allow you to enjoy better discounts and ultimately a better vacation.

By utilizing FrugalMonkey travel tips such as these you will save money and enjoy a better European vacation!

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