Choosing the Best Travel Insurance – What to Look for in Vacation Policy

in Trip Planning

We all hope that our next vacation will be a blissful experience, chock full of precious memories and moments. But if something does go wrong, you’ll be glad you had travel insurance. This expense is a necessary evil that could save you thousands in medical bills, lost luggage, and more.

Frugal travelers look to cut costs wherever they can, but travel insurance is one area where cheapest isn’t always best. Choosing a policy based on price alone may see you paying large excess fees and losing out on many important features. Finding the best travel insurance is a careful balancing act between price and policy.

Choosing the right policy can be confusing. Travel insurance companies present a range of inclusions and cover amounts which leave you wondering what’s important, and what’s not. Unlimited medical cover is a must, as you can’t always count on staying healthy while we’re away. If you do fall ill or are injured overseas you want to have the very best medical care without it costing an arm and a leg. Other important policy selling points include flights back home in the case of an emergency, enough luggage and personal effects cover for everything in your suitcase, large cancellation limits, and 24-hour assistance to beat those time zones.

Don’t ignore the small print either. While the large type may promise unlimited medical and generous personal effects cover, you may find some nasty clauses if you read further. No one wants to have a root canal abroad, only to find their dental coverage has a cap. And if your luggage coverage only allows a few hundred dollars per item, you’re out of luck if you lose your laptop or engagement ring. Some companies employing sub-limits offer additional insurance to cover these expensive items, at a price of course. Being aware of sub-limits may help you decide what to pack, and which policies aren’t for you.

While you’re squinting at the small print, you may want to keep on reading. All that tiny type can be tedious, but it will clue you in on your policy’s loopholes and limitations. For example, some companies may deny cover if your possessions are left unattended or if you’re intoxicated when they go astray. An awareness of these conditions can ensure you’re not caught without cover.

Dollar sign in a magnifying glassOnce you’ve decided on your ideal travel insurance policy, it’s worth pausing before you pay. Never be afraid to ask for a discount. Some airlines and travel agents will slash the policy cost if you bundle it with a flight or accommodation. Alternatively your policy cost could be reduced if you do without policy elements you won’t need. For example, if you don’t have furry friends you won’t need any pet cover. It never hurts to ask for a reduction. The worst the company can do is refuse!

Then hang on to your receipt in case of claims and jet off for your big adventure, safe in the knowledge that unforeseen circumstances won’t spoil your fun!

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