World Cup in South Africa!

in South Africa, Travel News, Trip Locations

You many not have your eyes glued to online travel deals, but we do and we certainly keep an eye out for excuses to travel. Like this one – the 2010 World Cup will be held in South Africa, starting June 11th! As you can probably imagine, since soccer is the most famous sport across the globe, tickets to the Cup and travel accommodations are being bought up faster than you can say, “GOAL!”

Check out our country profile on South African travel, and our complete section on the World Cup. You’ll need this travel info because not just one city, but cities all over the country are housing teams and matches for the World Cup. This means, you’ll need to know which South African city to fly into and where to make your travel accommodations. If you’re only interested in seeing the quarter, semi or final matches, then book your tickets into Johannesburg, because all eyes will be on their stadium as the World Cup comes to a close.

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