Stay in China for Free with New Tourboarding Website

in China

Many of us have dreams of visiting China, but once you’ve sailed down the Yangtze River and shopped up a storm in Shanghai, your wallet may be a great deal lighter.

If you’re looking for a way to save cash while visiting China, consider a new online initiative called Tourboarding.

This new website matches travelers with Chinese hosts who want to learn or improve their grasp of Western languages, predominantly English. Your hosts will offer free airport transfers, accommodation in their home, and two meals daily. In exchange, you must agree to spend two hours each day teaching your host your native tongue. The experience sounds like a great way to save cash on your travels and meet the locals.

But Tourboarding’s services aren’t limited to accommodation. You can also offer your language services in exchange for guided tours or cultural experiences, such as Chinese cooking and calligraphy lessons. You could even learn to speak Chinese.

Tourboarding is a relatively new website, but already more than 1500 families from all over China have registered. It’s an interesting take on the modern trend of couch surfing, one that gives back to both the visitor and the person opening up their home.

Standard membership is free, although interested travelers can become a VIP member by donating $25 to the site or inviting three friends to join. VIP members enjoy extra benefits such as emergency support abroad and free access to all areas of the Tourboarding website.

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