Frugal Monkey’s Web Wrap – 27 March 2013

in Travel News

As we race towards Easter, it’s the perfect time to stop and reflect on the world around us. And for us here at Frugal Monkey, that means taking a look at some fabulous travel blogs! Read on to discover what’s made our latest Web Wrap!

  • Available Light @ Canada’s Adventure Couple – Deb and Dave don’t just know a thing or two about adventure traveling. They’re also very skilled photographers. In the latest in their series of travel photography tutorials, they show us how to make the most of the available light in our locations. Use their tips and you’ll have impressive looking vacation snaps without paying for a professional’s services!
  • Fluent in Three Months – We’re intrigued by Benny the Irish Polygot, a jovial jetsetter who does his level best to learn the languages of his global destinations in the shortest time possible! His latest challenge is learning Polish in just five hours. Can he do it? We’ll be tuning in to find out!
  • The Most Amazing Church I’ve Ever Seen & Can’t Show You @ Wandering Earl – If there was ever a post to pique our curiosity, it’s this one. Church rules forbade Earl from snapping any more than the exterior of the Church of San Juan. Without any photos, he does his best to describe the church’s incredible interior. He does well. And now we want to see it for ourselves.
  • Travel with a Purpose @ Wanderlust & Lipstick – Angela Dollar serves up a travel blog that isn’t afraid to tackle the big issues. She’s an environmentalist, a feminist, and an altruist, and that might just be skimming the surface. Her opinionated posts have such drive; they’ll really make you think.
  • Photo Memories from the Grand Canyon @ Gone with the Family – Lisa and her brood have us wanting to head to Arizona after this photo-heavy post. The images of the rugged American natural wonder are simply stunning, and the bullet-point facts at the bottom of the article are really useful.

Hand on keyboardIf you think anyone you know would love to read these great articles and websites over the Easter weekend, make sure you share them via our social networking buttons below!

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