Plan Your Summer Vacation Now

in Travel Jobs, Travel News

FrugalMonkey has all the resources to help you plan the perfect summer vacation.

Whether you’re looking for a summer job or looking for the perfect summer trip, FrugalMonkey can help you make the most out of your summer vacation.

With resources on finding summer jobs such as resort jobs, cruise ship jobs or working abroad while you travel, your perfect summer jobs is right around the corner. If you want to make the most out of your summer in terms of travel but also need to make some money, there are some great opportunities in summer jobs that will help you achieve both. When you decide to work for a resort, cruise ship or perhaps work abroad you are combining the ability to travel with you ability to make money. Except don’t wait too long! Jobs like these go fast because of the excellent perks they provide summer workers. Check out our FrugalMonkey section on summer work now and learn more about how to apply, when and where you can find these amazing jobs.

If you’re looking for travel deals on your summer vacation then you’ve come to the right place. Not only does our blog update the best vacation deals for the week, but our country profiles provide travelers with all the information they need to have a successful summer vacation. With profiles on Alaska, Argentina, Australia, Greece, Hawaii, South Africa and Mexico you can plan the perfect vacation in just minutes. Our travel sections have information on each city’s tourist attractions, outdoors adventures, hotels to stay in, tours to take, travel information and each profile includes preparation and links to travel in that particular city or country. Take some time to check out our full profiles and start planning the perfect trip now. Each of our featured locations has travel information for families, pairs and singles to enjoy.

In addition to all of this our site has links to travel auction sites, car rental companies and offers tips on how to book flights and vacations as cheap as possible. There’s no reason to book an expensive flight when a cheaper one is just around the corner. Learn about becoming an air courier, how to book successful last minute flights and even take the time to look at our travel jobs board. When it comes to budget travel we skimp on the price but not on the quality. Enjoy FrugalMonkey’s travel resources and start planning the perfect summer vacation.

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