
Volunteer tourism consists of spending part or all of one’s travel time engaging in some sort of volunteer work. I know people who go on volunteer trips themselves (without the support of an organization), but most volunteer tourism is done through specific organizations or companies that have the contacts and resources to accomplish what needs to be accomplished.

Chiang Mai is the largest city in Northern Thailand, so it’s hard to believe that once this mountainous location was only accessible by river or elephants. Today transport’s a lot easier. All the major domestic airlines, including Thai Airways and Air Asia, fly between Bangkok and Chiang Mai several times each day. Buses and trains […]

It’s no big secret that international and even domestic travel can be expensive. For this reason it can be difficult to afford the expensive flights and months without work while traveling. However, there are several job opportunities, specifically for summer but also year round, that are perfect for satisfying your travel bug and making some […]

While some people consider a vacation as a time to sit back and relax, others are using their vacation time to give back. Going on a volunteer vacation is an excellent way to see the world in a non-traditional way. Volunteer vacations are being set up all over the world through charity and volunteer organizations […]

There are a lot of people interested in working abroad but don’t know where to start looking for information. FrugalMonkey has an entire section on working abroad in order to give travelers and students the right start into one of the most exciting endeavors they are likely to experience. Working abroad isn’t the easiest transition […]

A lot of people choose to volunteer when working or living abroad. It helps build resumes, develops valuable experience and is the chance to volunteer when you would otherwise not have the time. But finding volunteer work can be difficult if you don’t know where to look. FrugalMonkey’s entire section on volunteering abroad has information […]

Volunteering abroad is an amazing way to improve your resume, meet friends, learn a language and to engage in new experiences. FRUGALMONKEY has an entire section about volunteering abroad. In some cases volunteers need visas and work permits in order to gain college credit or to even be allowed in the country. Additionally, many programs […]

People live abroad for varying reasons: to see the world, learn a new language, expose themselves to a new culture and to simply enjoy different experiences. FrugalMonkey’s entire section on volunteering abroad is a great place to learn about the many opportunities there are in volunteering while you travel. Volunteering can expose you to areas […]