Tips For World Travelers

in Trip Planning

If you’ve ever thought about traveling the world, consider some of these tips before heading out along your way.

: There are huge hosteling networks that allow you to book online, leave feedback and enjoy cheap travel all over the world. Checking out places like hostelbookers, hosteling international and hostel world (along with some of the smaller retailers like mini-hostels) that will save you thousands of dollars during your trip. Yet, a way to save even more is by purchasing a member card from one of these retailers. You will be able to save 10% each night by only forking over US $10-$15 to start. Not only will you make your money back in just a few weeks, but you will save hundreds over the course of your trip.

TICKETS: Also, around-the-world tickets have some regulations and won’t let you simply jet set from one city to the other without some restrictions, but it is a great way to save on airfare by purchasing your ticket all up front.

Your around the world ticket from Australia trips, European vacations, island hopping in the Pacific or Brazilian hideaways is that much closer by taking note of FRUGALMONKEY’s travel tips.

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