Luxury in the Bay of Islands at Cavalli Island Retreat and Spa

in New Zealand

If you’re looking for ultimate luxury during your New Zealand stay, consider bunkering down at Cavalli Island Retreat and Spa in the beautiful Bay of Islands.

Cavalli Island Retreat and Spa is located in the Cavalli Islands, a small cluster of isles located to the east of Matauri Bay.

It opens its doors to just eight guests at a time, who clearly enjoy the privacy and pampering. These visitors arrive aboard a luxury yacht, which is also available to them at any time during their stay. On stepping foot on the island, the lucky travelers are greeted with a traditional Maori powhiri ceremony.

There are contemporary and old world accommodation options. Modern tastes will love the sophisticated suite in the main pavilion. In contrast, the cottage dates back to the 1800s. Its open fireplace and antique bath are remnants of the past, but of course there are all the creature comforts of the 21st century too including cable television on the big screen.find cheap hotels

The rooms are just a stone’s throw from the beach, but guests preferring to avoid the waves can enjoy the water in the lodge’s private pool. It’s easy to relax here, with a jacuzzi and the famous spa treatments upping the opulence. If you want to raise your heart rate, the lodge also has a professional gymnasium.

Cavalli Island Retreat and Spa also employs award-winning chefs who are willing to whip up a gourmet dish using the freshest local produce whenever your tummy grumbles. And these meals always taste best paired with one of New Zealand’s favorite wines from the retreat’s private cellar.

It’s probably obvious that a stay at Cavalli Island Retreat and Spa isn’t cheap. At $13, 230 a night per couple at the time of writing, it’s out of the reach of most mere mortals. But if you’ve got the cash to spare, there are worse ways to spend it!

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