Heal a Broken Heart at Sydney’s Hilton Hotel

in Australia

Any woman who’s ever sat at home gorging herself on ice-cream and crying over a broken heart has probably wished they were a guy. After all, men seem to need little more than a boozy night with their mates and some strippers to stop the waterworks.

Shutting yourself away from the world is a bit pathetic though, so the Hilton Sydney has launched a break-up package. He might not want to pamper you anymore, but the staff at this Sydney hotel will. The package includes a night's accommodation, so you needn't stare at the dent he made in the couch or the items he left in your apartment. On your hotel bed you'll find an iPod fully programmed with the kind of life-affirming tunes you need to feel strong again. Then there's the 24-hour movie package, which comes complete with a steady stream of popcorn and ice-cream. If that's not enough decadence, prepare to take on the Hilton's custom designed one-kilogram chocolate tower. Once your tummy is full, light the aromatherapy oil burner. It's filled with specially chosen rejuvenating scents so you should get the best sleep you've had in weeks. Once you awake feeling refreshed, an indulgent breakfast in bed awaits. Before you go, remember to stop by Bunda Fine Jewels. Your package includes a consultation with the staff who'll suggest how they can melt down that engagement ring or other love trinket and turn it into something brand new! The Hilton's Break-Up package starts from $314. That makes it pretty expensive, but can you really afford to sit about moping?

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