Swim With Dolphins in Port Stephens, Australia

in Australia

Port Stephens, on the New South Wales north coast, is known as the dolphin capital of Australia.

Pods of these intelligent marine creatures swim close to the coastal region’s 26 beaches.

You might spot one as you’re catching a wave, but for a more personal experience consider joining a Dolphin Swim Australia tour. While some zoos and marine parks allow guests to swim with their dolphins, this tour is the only one in Australia which lets you swim with Pacific Common dolphins in their natural habitat.

A catamaran takes you through the Port Stephens heads to an area known as the Gravel Patch, just off Broughton Island. Guests on the tour are all eager to be the first to spot a dolphin, and tour organizers suggest the dolphins are just as excited to see the boat.swim with a dolphin

It’s not unusual to swim with around 20 dolphins swarming about you. They have no fear of humans, and seem delighted to have new playmates to share the waters with.

You might have read about dolphins in textbooks or watched them at the zoo, but an experience like this is the best way to really learn about these fascinating creatures. Note – our partner site JobMonkey includes an animal jobs eBook full of interesting facts about working with animals.

Dolphin Swim Australia tours are open to anyone aged 12 years and over. They cost $229 per swimmer for a four-hour tour and use of a wetsuit, mask, and fins. Observers can also board the boat for $60. Tours run most weekends, and during weekdays on demand. They do leave early at 6 am, but this time is perfect for enjoying dolphins at their most active.

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