Travel Deal Tips

in Travel Deals

USA Today just released its 7 tips for finding the best travel deals. You’ve probably read some of our tried and true reports on how to save money on travel, but we thought we’d pass along their money saving tips as well.

You know, to sort of spread the wealth. Check out what USA Today says are 7 great ways to save on travel. We just so happen to agree that money saved on travel is excellent travel news!

Stay In The Know

It’s important to stay up on the market as travel companies release amazing deals that might last only a few days. This can be hard to do if you don’t have hours to spend trolling the Internet however, a few helpful tools can keep you in the know. Try singing up for Google Alerts or travel newsletters from some of the industry’s top companies and airlines. We recommend using TravelZoo – they do a great job spotting deals! By looking at specific places online you can find great deals that you would have otherwise missed.

Be Flexible

This is a tried and true way to save money while you’re traveling. If you can enter flight dates within a flexible range, you can sometimes save hundreds on just a single flight. When it comes to travel, being flexible is one of your greatest allies.

Look to the High-End

You probably won’t find 50% off hotel prices at Motel 6, but you can find some incredible discounts when it comes to high-end hotels, restaurants and even flight prices. By keeping your sights set on more expensive areas, you will find the greatest discounts. Keep in mind this doesn’t always translate into less money spent, but you might find an incredible deals at high-end resorts in Cancun along the way. Give it a shot. As it turns out, that’s where the deals are!

Cash Works Too

People are very eager to cash in on frequent flier miles on credit cards, but a lot of times there will be fussy restrictions. With so many good travel deals going on right now, some of the best deals will be found by simply paying for the discounted trip rather than trying to leverage it with miles. Remember that cash works too, when you’re booking travel plans.


You won’t save much if you don’t compare the prices listed on other travel websites.

Take the amounts you see for deals and on airline websites and through travel deals and always compare them with a price listed on another location. You can find amazing prices this way and this will ensure, you’re getting the most bang for your buck!

Bargain Your Way Down

Sure, you probably won’t talk an airline into giving you a cheaper ticket, but for hotels in the throws of the economic slump this works wonders. Try talking your way into a bigger and better room and you might be surprised. This is a great way to generate some great perks!

Wait For It

Although waiting last minute might not work all the time, last minute flight deals are some of the best in the industry. If you find a great deal, we suggest you snatch it up, but there are some great discounts to be enjoyed by taking advantage of airlines who are making drastic attempts to fill up flights at the last minute.

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