Are you a Budget Traveler? Six Signs You’re a Frugal Tourist

in Trip Planning

Are you a budget traveler? If you’re reading this blog, then chances are the answer’s yes. But if you’re still unsure, this article should confirm your suspicions.

Do you shun the capital cities for more affordable locations? Budget travelers know that when you journey off the beaten track, you save some serious coin. They’re not worried that they’re missing the big attractions of the holiday hotspots either. They’re too busy discovering some hidden gems and enjoying spending less on all services while they’re there.

Do you travel light? A budget traveler would never pay a hefty excess baggage fee. They also don’t want suitcases dragging them down as they walk to their accommodation, rather than hailing a cab like the less frugal tourists do. They might even turn up without a reservation in the hope of getting a great standby rate.

Do you travel in the off season? Budget travelers don’t mind braving some less than idyllic weather conditions to enjoy their dream vacation. Instead they’re happy they won’t have to deal with the crowds, or spend a fortune on those in demand hotel rooms.

Do you amuse yourself for free? Budget travelers know you don’t need to wear those hefty admission prices at major attractions. Instead they seek out free festivals and events, wile away the hours in art galleries and museums, and take on challenging hikes and biking trails in national parks.

Do you eat like a local? While many tourists gravitate to the fast food options they know, or the Michelin-star restaurants they’ve always wanted to try, budget travelers prefer to eat as the locals do. They know that’s not just the cheapest way to vacation; it allows you to really experience the culture of your destination. Once you’ve tried street food in Asia, pub grub in Britain, or delicacies from New York’s delis you’ll never go back.

Do you stock up on city passes and group buying deals? Even budget travelers know it’s not possible to vacation for nix, but they refuse to pay full price. Instead they plan ahead and enjoy the savings these services provide on tourist attractions, dining, and accommodation.

piggy bank worldIf you found yourself nodding in agreement while reading this article, you’re probably a budget traveler. Embrace the title as a badge of honor. After all, your frugal habits will ensure you can take vacations more frequently than your spendthrift pals!

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