Save on Australian & New Zealand Vacations with Entertainment Book

in Australia, New Zealand

Many families own the Entertainment Book for their home town. It’s a great way to save money on your neighborhood restaurants and local attractions.

But why stop at just one? Purchasing an Entertainment Book for your upcoming Australian or New Zealand getaway is a great way to save cash while you’re on holidays.

The Entertainment Book is essentially a collection of coupons for local businesses. You’ll find two-for-one meals, passes for tourist attractions, half-price hotels, and so much more. There are editions for tourist centers around Australia and New Zealand, including the bright lights of Sydney, the beaches of Brisbane and South East Queensland, the idyllic Waikato and the Bay of Plenty, and cosmopolitan Auckland.

You can expect to pay around $50 per Entertainment Book, depending on the city you’re visiting. It might seem like a significant investment, but ordinary travelers can easily make the cost of the book back in a day just through eating out.Australia travel photo

The book’s appeal goes beyond the obvious financial perks though. It’s a great way to discover your holiday destination, with details about tourist attractions and sample menus for the best restaurant. You’ll likely learn about a few places you never would have seen otherwise.

If you already own an Entertainment Book, you’ll save money on getting another edition. If you’re new to the Entertainment Book phenomenon, you can buy one through the Australia and New Zealand Entertainment Book website.

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