unusual events

As the world is winding down after the festive season, Australia is looking forward to its next celebration. The country marks Australia Day on January 26, the anniversary of the arrival of the First Fleet of British settlers in 1788. Events take place all around the country, but none are as colorful as Queensland’s cockroach […]

It’s a long way from Graceland, but during the second week of January the small Australian town of Parkes honors the King of Rock and Roll at the Elvis Festival. You’ll find Parkes in the heart of New South Wales, 365 kilometers from the state’s capital city, Sydney. Around 11, 000 people live there, but […]

Australians regularly combine their love of sport with their thirst for betting with some wacky animal sporting races. We’ve looked at the Camel Cup in Alice Springs and cane toad races in Queensland, but it seems New South Wales has the market cornered with three unusual animal races. In the big smoke of Sydney they’ve […]

Most of the time the residents of the Australian Outback are happy to enjoy life at a slower pace. But every July the Northern Territory town of Alice Springs comes alive as it celebrates the annual Camel Cup. While horses are obliging animals, camel jockeys are faced with a much tougher task. The beasts live […]

If you’re traveling around Australia and end up in the far north Queensland region, chances are that you’ll happen upon one of the area’s infamous cane toad races. // These wacky events are a crowd-pleasing way to deal with the infestation of these pesky amphibians. The grotesque cane toads were originally introduced into Queensland to […]

We all know Australians enjoy a beer, but what do they do with all those empty cans? Many of them make their way to The Outback for Darwin’s annual Beer Can Regatta. This madcap event sees its participants making boats from empty beer cans. All boats must pass tests for seaworthiness before setting sail in […]